3012 RiverviewDrive
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Fax: 907-474-0700
E-mail: akimpact@mosquitonet.com
Alaska IMPACT is an interfaith educational legislative information network for Alaskans who care about peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
Huntsville Interfaith Peace Group
PO Box 2274
3606 Panorama Drive
Huntsville, AL 35801
Tel: 256-534-1893
E-mail: ehart@igc.apc.org
Alliance for Survival
2035 4th St., Ste. 103C
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Tel: 310-399-1000
Alliance for Survival is a grassroots peace and environmental organization opposed to nuclear weapons, nuclear power, environmental degradation, the pre-occupation of the government with military strength and military spending, and other political and personal injustices.
Americans for a Safe Future
409 Santa Monica Blvd., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel: 310-395-2388
Fax: 310-394-5825
E-mail: safefutur@aol.com
ASF's mission is to pioneer a responsible radioactive waste policy for California and the nation through research and education.
Atomic Reclamation Project and Conversion of the Tides Center/USA
4117 Terrace St.
Oakland, CA 94611
Tel: 510-595-9500
Fax: 510-547-5272
E-mail: invivo@igc.org
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1
Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794
Tel: 805-965-3443
Fax: 805-568-0466
E-mail: wagingpeace@napf.org
NAPF's mission is to advance initiatives to eliminate the nuclear weapons threat to all life, to foster the global rule of law, and to build an enduring legacy of peace through education and advocacy.
Nuclear Guardianship Project
1439 Santa Fe Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-559-8910
Fax: 510-559-8916
E-mail: npg@igc.org
NGP provides information regarding nuclear power, weapons, and waste and citizen action for human survival.
Tri-Valley CAREs
Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
2582 Old First Street
Livermore, CA 94550
Tel: 925-443-7148
Fax: 925-443-0177
E-mail: marylia@earthlink.net
Tri-Valley CAREs was founded in 1983 by local citizens concerned that nuclear weapons work at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Livermore Laboratories was impacting the environmental well-being of our communities.
Western States Legal Foundation
1504 Franklin Street
Suite 202
Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: 510-839-5877
Fax: 510-839-5397
WSLF is a non-profit, public interest organizaton which monitors, analyzes, and challenges nuclear weapons programs at the Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories and the Nevada Test Site.
American Friends Service Committee, Denver
901 W. 14th Avenue, #7
Denver, CO 80204
Tel: 303-623-3464
Fax: 303-623-3492
AFSC is a Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service.
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
PO Box 1156
Boulder, CO 80306
Tel: 303-444-6981
Fax: 303-444-6523
Rocky Mountain Peace Center has been a successful agent for social change and justice for more than 10 years. RMPC has provided education, training and leadership in areas such as nuclear disarmament, Central America, the Gulf War, Native American issues, war tax resistance, prisoner rights, group process, conflict resolution, peace keeper and civil disobedience training. Nonviolence in action and spirit is at the center of all this work.
Environmental Defense Institute
PO Box 220
Troy, ID 83871
Tel: 208-835-6152
Fax: 208-835-6152*51
Advocates for environmentally sound nuclear policy decisions and seeks to provide citizens with the resources that will enable them to make informed choices regarding these issues.
Snake River Alliance
310 East Center #205
Pocatello, ID 83201
Tel: 208-234-4782
Fax: 208-344-9305
SNA works for peace and justice, the end to nuclear weapons production activities, and responsible solutions to nuclear waste and contamination.
Coalition for Health Concerns
10990 Ogden Landing Road
Kevil, KY 42053
Tel: 270-462-3495
Fax: 270-462-3495
E-mail: markkris@earthlink.net
CHC works on environmental education and environmental clean up issues including: clean water, clean air, and nuclear and toxic waste.
Yggdrasil Institute
P.O. Box 131
Georgetown, KY 40324
Tel: 502-868-9074
Fax: 502-868-9074
The goal of Yggdrasil Institute, a project of the Earth Island Institute, is furthering global sustainability; Yggdrasil's Uranium Enrichment Project monitors and reports on the U.S. uranium enrichment establishment.
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
6935 Laurel Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Tel: 301-270-5500
Fax: 301-270-3029
IEER is dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control over environmental problems through the democratization of science.
Community-Based Hazard Management Program
George Perkins Marsh Institute
Clark University
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610
Tel: 508-751-4639
Fax: 508-751-4600
E-mail: SPTuler@crocker.com
Women's Action for New Directions
691 Massachusetts Avenue
Arlington, MA 02476
Tel: 781-643-6740
Fax: 781-643-6744
WAND empowers women to act politically to reduce militarism and violence and to redirect excessive military spending to human and environmental needs.